Is your Mindset losing you job interviews?
Feb 21, 2024You've probably heard the phrase "mindset is everything." It's true. Your mind frame can be the difference between a successful interview and an unsuccessful one.
If you're looking for a new job, having the right mindset is essential for success in your job interviews. In fact, research shows that people who have positive attitudes are more likely to land jobs than those who don't!
In this article, I'll talk about why it's important to have the right mind frame when going into an interview (and how you can develop one). Trust me, this approach feels better for you as well.
Don't Sell Yourself
The best way to approach a job interview is not by selling yourself. That selling language often feels forced and inauthentic. A big part of interviews is your ability to connect with the interviewer.
Be authentic and factual about your experience. You don’t have to ‘be the best’ or ‘be better than anyone.’ The most attractive candidates know their worth and can speak about their experience deeply and honestly.
One mistake I see many candidates making is to treat an interview like an exam. They believe there’s a ‘right’ answer and they are doing their best to figure out what that is. They’re saying what they think the employer wants to hear and it shows. It feels fake, forced and dishonest.
It’s much more interesting to have a candidate that is willing to say something they truly believe (within reason.) If you’ve made it to the interview, the employer already thinks you have the right experience, and now they want to meet YOU.
Show Up Authentically
The benefits of showing up authentically
You'll be more relaxed and confident. When you're being your true self, you don't have to worry about hiding behind a mask or pretending to be someone else. This makes it easier for others around you to feel comfortable with who they are as well.
You'll make a better first impression on the interviewer(s). If they see that there's no facade or pretense involved in who you are or what interests/motivates/excites/bothers them about work, then chances are good that they'll want to hire someone like this!
Interview the Employer
An interview is a 2-way street. While you're interviewing the employer, it's important to remember that the goal is not to try and get them to like you. The goal is to find out if this job would be a good fit for your skills and interests, so that when they ask how much money you want (and they will), you have an idea of what's reasonable.
The best way to do this is by asking questions about their company culture, work environment and expectations for employees. If there are any red flags or concerns about these things that come up during the interview process--for example: "We don't allow our employees time off during holidays" or "Our office is extremely noisy"--then those should be addressed before accepting an offer from this employer.
Better Mind Frame: You Need a Job, But Not Necessarily THIS Job
There are many benefits to keeping this in mind:
It helps keep your expectations realistic. You're not going to get every job that comes along, so if it doesn't work out or turns out not to be right for you, there will be other opportunities later on (and even if there aren't any other jobs available right now).
It prevents burnout and frustration from overworking yourself by trying too hard at something that isn't working out anyway--or from getting upset about small things like having trouble finding parking or being late because of traffic jams on the way home from work every day after an exhausting day at the office.
The best job interview mind frame is one of confidence, positivity, and determination. Having this mind frame will help you to be prepared for any situation and give you the edge over other candidates. It's also important because it allows you to keep your cool when things don't go as planned (which they often don't).
Having this mind frame means that no matter what happens during an interview--whether it's a question about your weakness or an interruption from someone else in the room--you can stay focused on answering questions directly and honestly while remaining polite at all times.
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