The Truth about Passion and Career Success
Feb 21, 2024![](
“But I don’t know what my passion is!” 😩
I hear that sentence quite often… people seem to be confused about this matter. So, let’s have a closer look at it today.
👉 Is Passion vital to career happiness?
❌Not necessarily (this is controversial).
I have clients that take immense pleasure from their careers because they have deep knowledge in their field. Others love their careers because it allows them to live a lifestyle they love.
✅ It does feel better/easier if you have some deep interest, passion, or excitement about SOME area of your work.
Which brings me to the issue
👉 What do the most successful people in their careers say?
Those that are performing and pushing at a higher level do repeatedly feel a sense of interest and magnetism towards their field. This is important because doing extra feels good and natural to them.
They get to show up as themselves repeatedly and experience success. There's an ease in this that is intoxicating.
👉 Passion might not be what you think.
It can often seem like it's very specific: Ex. Jewelry making is the only thing that I'm passionate about.
Many people experience passion in a more general way. And these can be applied in a variety of ways across different careers. Examples:
» Building relationships with people
» Organizing information
» Creating something from nothing
» Spreading knowledge about a subject
» Solving puzzles or problems.
The trick is to look deeper into your interests to see what really draws you to them.
✅ If it's jewelry making is it: creating something from nothing? Or is it about the person that will wear it? Or do you love experimenting with different things?
👉 Once you understand the pull that you have towards something (ie: general passion)
You can decide how you want to impact the world with it. What could be a bit biger than yourself that would be an amazing result from you applying your passion?
Once you allow yourself to open up and look at the many possibilities you will most likely start to feel pulled in a certain direction.
🌞 Final thoughts:
There is not just one path for you. There are many amazing paths for you that have a general similar direction. When you expand and become amazing at something – new opportunities will start showing up and clarifying the next step.
This is called: 💥 Planned Happenstance 💥
Lemme finish this post with one of my fave quotes from Marianne Williamson
🔥“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
So, what can you do to add a little bit more passion to your career path?
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